AIAL Forum 80 (May), 2015
AIAL Forum 80 (May 2015) (4 Mb)
VALE CHRISTOPHER HOLT AM The Australian Institute of Administrative Law notes with great sadness the sudden and unexpected death on 4 September 2014 of Chris Holt, publisher and co-founder of The Federation Press. Law publishing was a narrow field in 1987 when Chris and his two colleagues, Kathryn Fitzhenry and Diane Young, took the bold […]
Katherine Cook, 'Recent Developments in Administrative Law – Volume 80', 2015 Volume 80 Australian Institute of Administrative Law Forum 2
RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN ADMINISTRATIVE LAW Katherine Cook Data Retention Bill passed by Parliament – joint media release by the Attorney General and Minister for Communications On 26 March 2015, the Commonwealth Parliament passed Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Amendment (Data Retention) Bill 2014 (the Bill). By passing this Bill, the Parliament has ensured that our security […]
Michael Sassella, 'Issues Presented by Legislative and Executive Implementation of the National Disability Insurance Scheme', 2015 Volume 80 Australian Institute of Administrative Law Forum 14
ISSUES PRESENTED BY LEGISLATIVE AND EXECUTIVE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE NATIONAL DISABILITY INSURANCE SCHEME Michael Sassella* The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is an unusual Commonwealth scheme. It is administered by the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) that, unlike almost all other Commonwealth agencies, is a joint venture involving the Commonwealth and all of the states […]
Jill Toohey, 'New Challenges in Merits Review Decision-Making', 2015 Volume 80 Australian Institute of Administrative Law Forum 20
NEW CHALLENGES IN MERITS REVIEW DECISION-MAKING Jill Toohey* Expanding jurisdictions, increasing numbers of parties representing themselves and the amalgamation of diverse tribunals all present challenges for decision-makers in merits review tribunals. In July 2013, the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 (the Act) came into effect. It gave the Administrative Appeals Tribunal jurisdiction to review […]
Mick Batskos, 'Balancing the Treatment of ‘Personal Information’ Under FOI and Privacy Laws: A Comparative Australian Analysis – Part 1', 2015 Volume 80 Australian Institute of Administrative Law Forum 28
BALANCING THE TREATMENT OF ‘PERSONAL INFORMATION’ UNDER FOI AND PRIVACY LAWS: A COMPARATIVE AUSTRALIAN ANALYSIS Mick Batskos* There has been longstanding recognition that there should be some degree of protection provided to privacy of personal information about individuals. Some examples of this include recognition of privacy as a human right worthy of protection as in: […]
Graeme Hill, 'Applying Project Blue Sky – When Does Breach of a Statutory Requirement Affect the Validity of an Administrative Decision', 2015 Volume 80 Australian Institute of Administrative Law Forum 54
APPLYING PROJECT BLUE SKY – WHEN DOES BREACH OF A STATUTORY REQUIREMENT AFFECT THE VALIDITY OF AN ADMINISTRATIVE DECISION? Graeme Hill* The High Court’s decision in Project Blue Sky v Australian Broadcasting Authority[1] sets out the approach to determine whether a failure to comply with a statutory requirement affects the validity of an administrative decision.[2]A […]
Robert Lindsay, 'Disciplinary Hearings: What is to be Done?', 2015 Volume 80 Australian Institute of Administrative Law Forum 77
DISCIPLINARY HEARINGS: WHAT IS TO BE DONE? Robert Lindsay* In the last fifty years there has been a large expansion in the law relating to decision making by disciplinary and other bodies. With this development has been an evolution in the rules of natural justice. In 1949 it was said with some caution that ‘the […]
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